Priority D projects restore and protect wildlife habitat. Work under this priority includes controlling non-native, invasive plants; replanting native species; and maintaining previously replanted areas. Other projects include removing barriers to fish movement, improving steelhead habitat and stabilizing eroded creek banks. To support restoration projects, Valley Water will continue to build and update a comprehensive watershed database that tracks stream ecosystem conditions helping Valley Water and other organizations make informed watershed, asset management and natural resource decisions.
Project D1: Management of Riparian Planting and Invasive Plant Removal
Project D2: Revitalize Riparian, Upland and Wetland Habitat
Project D3: Sediment Reuse to Support Restoration Projects
Project D4: Fish Habitat and Passage Improvement
Project D5: Ecological Data Collection and Analysis
Project D6: Restoration of Natural Creek Functions
Project D7: Partnerships for the Conservation of Habitat Lands