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2017 Coyote Creek Flood


The Santa Clara Valley Water District hosted public meetings with a resource and informational open house in the three neighborhoods most impacted by the storms. Valley Water representatives were there to answer your questions, get feedback and provide you with essential information on what the water district is doing to alleviate flooding along Coyote Creek. The City of San Jose and resource agencies were available during the open house. Spanish and Vietnamese speaking interpreters were available.

El Distrito de Aguas del Valle de Santa Clara está organizando reuniones comunitarias el 6, 12 y 17 de abril sobre las inundaciones y los esfuerzos de prevención de riesgos de inundación

Sở Thủy Cục Vùng Thung Lũng Santa Clara (Santa Clara Valley Water District) Sẽ Chủ Trì Các Buổi Họp Khu Xóm vào ngày 6, 12, và 17 tháng Tư về Lũ Lụt & Các Nỗ Lực Phòng Ngừa Cơ Nguy Bị Lụt Lội 

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Jose Villarreal at 408-630-2879, [email protected].

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