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Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project Park Meetings

Valley Water, in partnership with the City of San Jose’s Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services Department, will host three public meetings to receive neighborhood input on the proposed flood protection elements located in the City’s parks, currently in the design phase for the Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project (CCFPP) and Coyote Creek Flood Management Measures Project (CCFMMP). The Coyote Creek Flood Projects are currently in the early design phase, with staff actively gathering and evaluating critical data from various sections along Coyote Creek. Both projects have various flood reduction elements proposed in different locations along nine miles of Coyote Creek.

Watson Park
1098 Jackson Street
Meeting location: Next to the basketball courts.

Valley Water will present renderings of the various flood reduction elements and a mockup of the preferred alternatives at each park. Staff will also update you on current efforts, project timeline, public input opportunities, and next steps. The meetings will solicit the communities’ input to refine further the selected flood reduction alternatives as the projects proceed through the design phase.  

For the health and safety of everyone, it is recommended that all in-person meeting attendees wear a face-covering.

Start Date
End Date
Event Type
Community Meeting