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Water-to-Go Stations

Water to Go station

Project Name: Water-to-Go Stations

Grantee: 50 Public Schools in Santa Clara County

District Grant Award: $250,000

SCW Program Priority: A2 Safe, Clean Water Partnerships & Grants

Year Awarded: 2014

Project Summary: The district collaborated with First 5 Santa Clara and the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health to provide drinking water dispensers and other potable water devices for students to help public schools comply with California Senate Bill 1413, which requires that schools provide access to free, fresh drinking water during mealtimes in food service areas. The district has awarded grants to 50 schools countywide to purchase Water-to-Go stations.

Project Location: Countywide

Status: Grants all awarded

Learn more about Safe, Clean Water Priority A2: Safe, Clean Water Partnerships & Grants