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Coyote Creek Flood Management Measures Project Pre-construction meeting

Valley Water is hosting two pre-construction public meetings for the Coyote Creek Flood Management Measures Project (CCFMMP) or phase 1. Both meetings will include the same information about pre-construction details, the planned work, potential impacts on the surrounding areas, and the anticipated project schedule. The first construction phase includes activities along three sections of Coyote Creek, specifically, Reach 5 and portions of Reach 6 and 7. Staff will be available to answer questions about the project and construction activities. Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters will also be available.

June 14, 2023
6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Roosevelt Community Center (multipurpose room)
901 E. Santa Clara Street


Dial-in: 1-669-900-9128
Webinar ID: 830 6952 6050

You can participate via Zoom without an account. The meetings will be recorded and available for viewing on the project page. All meeting materials will be uploaded to the project page.

Start Date
End Date
Event Type
Community Meeting