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Public Art Program

Public art Program

The Public Art Program aims to repurpose and beautify Valley Water’s infrastructure, and to help deter trash, debris and graffiti near creeks. Valley Water works in collaboration with the community and local artists to revitalize Valley Water’s infrastructure through expressive artwork. The program is part of the Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program, which provides up to $1.5 million over 15 years to install and maintain public art projects, such as murals on Valley Water property.

Public Art Strategic Plan

Valley Water is developing a Public Art Strategic Plan to guide its public art projects for the next 15 years as part of the Safe, Clean Water Program under Measure S. The strategic plan will serve as a guiding document to help Valley Water identify and prioritize public art opportunities and install and maintain public art projects to beautify Valley Water's property and infrastructure while helping deter graffiti and litter.

Valley Water's Public Art Strategic Plan Community Meeting Resources

Valley Water beautified a bench in Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy, located in District 1.
Valley Water beautified a bench in Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy, located in District 1.

Adopt-A-Bench Pilot Project

Valley Water’s pilot Adopt-A-Bench Project was a collaboration between the 2020 Youth Commission and local artist Paul J. Gonzalez. The project repurposed and beautified Valley Water’s old interpretive benches located along creeks around Santa Clara County. The pilot project was completed on March 18, 2021. It included the design and installation of artwork onto seven benches, one in each Board District area, that shows Valley Water’s stewardship messages and raises awareness of the nearby creeks. To learn more, click here.

Highlight of the Mural Art Pilot Project design located in San Jose.
Highlight of the Mural Art Pilot Project design located in San Jose.

Mural Art Pilot Project

The Mural Art Pilot Project provides a visual representation of Valley Water’s mission, innovation, and diversity. The mural will be on the outside of the Blossom Hill Annex Building (1020 Blossom Hill Road, San Jose), located at the Valley Water Almaden Campus. The mural design was developed by the Youth Commission and local artist Paul J. Gonzalez. Installation is expected to begin in Summer 2022. To learn more, click here.

Where do Valley Water’s Public Art Program funds come from?

Funding for Valley Water’s Public Art Program comes from a special parcel tax, not water rates. In November 2020, voters in Santa Clara County overwhelmingly approved Measure S, a renewal of Valley Water’s Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program. This program provides approximately $47 million annually for local projects that deliver safe, clean water, natural flood protection, and environmental stewardship to all the communities in Santa Clara County.

In the renewed Safe, Clean Water Program, funding for Public Art is designated under Project F6: Good Neighbor Program: Graffiti and Litter Removal and Public Art. The project funds the installation and maintenance of public art projects to beautify Valley Water property and infrastructure, and to help deter graffiti and litter.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Public Art Program, please contact us at [email protected] or (408) 630 - 2789.


Your tax dollars at work