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Studies and Reports


Here is an archive of Water Conservation Program Annual Reports and Studies.

The information on this page includes summaries and key milestones of water conservation rebates, services, studies, and programs since 2001.

Date Title Description
12/10/2024 Large Landscape Program Annual Report CY 2023 Summary of Valley Water's Large Landscape Program with Waterfluence in 2023.  Includes program features (free landscape surveys and site-specific landscape water budgets), characteristics of participating sites, customer engagement information, and areas for future improvement.


Large Landscape Program Annual Report CY 2022 Summary of Valley Water's Large Landscape Program with Waterfluence in 2022.  Includes program features (free landscape surveys and site-specific landscape water budgets), characteristics of participating sites, customer engagement information, and areas for future improvement.
7/01/2022 Large Landscape Program Annual Report CY 2021 Summary of Valley Water's Large Landscape Program with Waterfluence in 2021.  Includes program features (free landscape surveys and site-specific landscape water budgets), characteristics of participating sites, customer engagement information, and areas for future improvement.
7/01/2021 Water Conservation Strategic Plan 

The Strategic Plan provides a blueprint for meeting Valley Water’s established conservation policy objectives. It serves as a tool and reference document to inform and support Valley Water’s future conservation program marketing and design. The Plan finds that Valley Water will be able to meet its long-term conservation targets with continued implementation of its current broad set of conservation programs, but doing so will require increased customer participation and a commensurate increase in staff resources and funding. It is also recommended that Valley Water explore additional opportunities to augment and adapt its current programs.

2/26/2021 Large Landscape Program Annual Report CY 2020 Summary of Valley Water's Large Landscape Program with Waterfluence in 2020.  Includes program features (free landscape surveys and site-specific landscape water budgets), characteristics of participating sites, customer engagement information, and areas for future improvement.
1/10/21 Landscape Rebate Water Savings Study (Summary)

This study shows that turf removal and irrigation equipment rebate programs can be successful in achieving water conservation goals, and describes factors that may contribute to program success. The study focused on single-family residences, which comprise the largest Landscape Rebate Program participant type. Water use up to three years prior to installation of a new landscape or irrigation equipment was compared to water use after installation, for a period up to five years. 

  • The average water savings for converting turf area to a landscape of low-water use species in conjunction with drip irrigation incrementally increased each year following conversion: saving on average, 31 gallons per square foot per year (gal/ft2/yr) for years 2 to 5, and saving 48 gal/ft2/yr during the fifth year following conversion.
  • The annual water savings for replacing timer-based automatic irrigation controllers with weather-based irrigation controllers with rain shut-off devices were statistically significant each year following conversion, incrementally increased each year following conversion, and were on average 9 gal/ft2/yr.
  • The annual water savings for replacing old sprinklers with high-efficiency nozzles were 1,243 gal/unit/yr on average.
  • Annual savings for replacing old sprinklers with high-efficiency nozzles including pressure regulation and/or check valves were significant in the first year following conversion, saving 1,661 gal/unit/yr on average. 

(The above content was paraphrased from the study's Abstract within this document. Additional details, figures, and analyses are found within the full study.)

3/31/2020 Large Landscape Program Annual Report
CY 2019
Summary of Valley Water's Large Landscape Program with Waterfluence in 2019.  Includes program features (free landscape surveys and site-specific landscape water budgets), characteristics of participating sites, customer engagement information, and areas for future improvement.
4/25/2019 Large Landscape Program Annual Report
CY 2018
Summary of Valley Water's Large Landscape Program with Waterfluence in 2018.  Includes program features (free landscape surveys and site-specific landscape water budgets), characteristics of participating sites, customer engagement information, and areas for future improvement.
12/14/2018 Landscape Rebate Water Savings Study (Full Details and Statistical Information)

This study shows that turf removal and irrigation equipment rebate programs can be successful in achieving water conservation goals, and describes factors that may contribute to program success. The study focused on single-family residences, which comprise the largest Landscape Rebate Program participant type. Water use up to three years prior to installation of a new landscape or irrigation equipment was compared to water use after installation, for a period up to five years. 

  • The average water savings for converting turf area to a landscape of low-water use species in conjunction with drip irrigation incrementally increased each year following conversion: saving on average, 31 gallons per square foot per year (gal/ft2/yr) for years 2 to 5, and saving 48 gal/ft2/yr during the fifth year following conversion.
  • The annual water savings for replacing timer-based automatic irrigation controllers with weather-based irrigation controllers with rain shut-off devices were statistically significant each year following conversion, incrementally increased each year following conversion, and were on average 9 gal/ft2/yr.
  • The annual water savings for replacing old sprinklers with high-efficiency nozzles were 1,243 gal/unit/yr on average.
  • Annual savings for replacing old sprinklers with high-efficiency nozzles including pressure regulation and/or check valves were significant in the first year following conversion, saving 1,661 gal/unit/yr on average. 

(The above content was paraphrased from the study's Abstract within this document. Additional details, figures, and analyses are found within the full study.)

10/25/2018 Large Landscape Program Annual Report
CY 2017
Summary of Valley Water's Large Landscape Program with Waterfluence in 2017.  Includes program features (free landscape surveys and site-specific landscape water budgets), characteristics of participating sites, customer engagement information, and areas for future improvement.
05/01/2017 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2015-16
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2016 (July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016). Includes program participation, new programs, and outreach campaign summaries.
03/10/2014 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2012-13
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2013 (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013).  Includes program details and outreach campaign summaries.
01/22/2013 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2011-12
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2012 (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012).  Includes program details, research, and partnership information.
03/01/2012 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2010-11
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2011 (July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011).  Includes program details, research, and outreach information.
05/01/2011 From Watts to Water
May 2011
Detailed summary of Valley Water's commitment to sustainability through water conservation and recycling. Includes details on water and energy savings as well as pollutant reduction
03/01/2011 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2009-10
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2010 (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.
06/01/2010 Water Use Impacts of Artificial Turf
Study to determine whether metals, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, and total organic carbon are leached by rainwater from artificial turf fields.
03/01/2010 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2008-09
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2009 (July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.
03/02/2009 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2007-08
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2008 (July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.
09/01/2008 Water Use Efficiency Strategic Plan
Provide a blueprint for meeting the policy objectives and targets of the Water Use Efficiency Strategic Plan
06/01/2008 2008 CII Water Use and Baseline Study
Study establishing a baseline information set regarding water use of commercial, institutional, and industrial establishment.  Contains information regarding how much water is used and how it is used.
03/03/2008 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2006-07
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2007 (July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.
08/13/2007 Water Submetering in Mobile Home Parks
(Submeter Savings Pilot Study)
Pilot program for water submeters to mobile home parks to assist in the conservation of water. 
03/01/2007 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2005-06
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2006 (July 1, 2005-June 30, 2006).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.
05/01/2006 Pilot Water Softener Program Final Report
Evaluation of the Water Softener Rebate Pilot Program, includes program summary and review of the program's future feasibility
03/01/2006 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2004-05
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2005 (July 1, 2004-June 30, 2005).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.
03/01/2005 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2003-04
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2004 (July 1, 2003-June 30, 2004).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.
08/01/2004 Residential Water Conservation Baseline Study

Study surveying the distributions of water-using appliances, fixtures, and landscapes in residential single and multi-family homes.

03/01/2004 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2002-03
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2003 (July 1, 2002-June 30, 2003).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.
03/01/2003 Water Conservation Annual Report
FY 2001-02
Actions taken by Valley Water and the community to achieve water conservation goals for fiscal year 2002 (July 1, 2001-June 30, 2002).  Includes program details, outreach information, and research.


Hot Water Re-circulation Pilot Study, 2002


The Santa Clara Valley Water District, continuously looking for ways to conserve its limited water supply, was awarded $26,000 in grant funding from the Bureau of Reclamation to supplement a Hot Water Re-circulation Pilot Study. The study, which was implemented in February 2000, had been designed to  address both the amount of water savings attributed to these systems as well as what the public's overall perception may be.