In an effort to keep the community's water saving momentum, the Board of Directors also called for a 15% voluntary water-use reduction.
“Water conservation must be a way of life,” Valley Water Chair John L. Varela said. “California has experienced two multi-year droughts in the past decade. We can’t predict when the next drought will arrive. That’s why it’s so important that we continue our water saving ways.”
Valley Water will continue enforcing restrictions for these water-wasting activities:
- Outdoor watering more than two days per week of residential decorative lawns
- Outdoor watering that causes runoff
- Mid-day watering
- Watering after rainfall
- The State of California’s ban against watering decorative lawns on commercial, industrial, and institutional properties, including homeowners’ associations
The Board of Directors also requested Valley Water Chief Executive Officer Rick Callender to bring a recommendation for the Board's consideration for additional actions to support water conservation as a way of life in our county and state.
Valley Water is committed to continuing to work with stakeholders across Santa Clara County to develop approaches for making water conservation a way of life. Since July 2021, residents, businesses, farms and others reduced water use by 12% compared to 2020.