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3rd-5th Grade


3rd-5th Grade


Valley Water Education Programs for 3rd - 5th grade. 

All program durations vary from: 45 - 60 minute

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Recommended Programs (View our full list of programs and descriptions):

Watershed Maps

Students create a 3-D model using a piece of paper and map and identify the types of landforms and bodies of water that we find in Santa Clara County. After identifying mountains and valleys, creeks, rivers, and bays, we will brainstorm ways to protect our watersheds and conserve water daily.

Program delivery options: in-classroom

Steelhead Trout Life Cycle

Students learn about the amazing life cycle of steelhead trout and explore the habitats they depend on as they journey from Santa Clara County’s creeks to the Pacific Ocean and back again! Students will play a matching game and think of ways to work together to protect the habitats that Steelhead trout depend on for survival.

Program delivery options: in-classroom

Water Cycle Boogie

Students learn how water travels around the planet as they sing the Water Cycle Boogie. As they take their journey, students will each make a bracelet with colored beads representing the water cycle's different stages.

Program delivery options: in-classroom, virtual

What A Cycle!

Students experience the various ways water moves within the natural water cycle by playing a game where they become water molecules and travel through parts of the overall water cycle. The program includes a discussion about water conservation and how we can act as stewards of our environment.

Program delivery options: in-classroom

Steelhead Trout Survival

Students participate in an interactive game demonstrating the many obstacles steelhead trout face as they migrate from the ocean to their spawning ground. Students will discover the importance of environmental conservation and habitat protection.

Program delivery options: individual class, outdoor setup required

Plastic Voyages

After a brief presentation exploring the global issue of plastic waste, students participate in an interactive activity. Using common items from their lives, students will identify sources of marine debris, describe the potential effects of plastic waste on aquatic wildlife and their habitats, and brainstorm specific actions we can take to remedy the problem.

Program delivery options: in-classroom, virtual

Hidden Water

This interactive program explores the concept of a water footprint as students learn about the difference between direct and indirect water use. Through interactive games, students investigate how much water it takes to make many of the products we use daily and analyze various menus to calculate the water used to create the foods we eat.

Program delivery options: in-classroom, virtual