Valley Water is dedicated to ensuring a reliable water supply through investments in its infrastructure. Among these efforts is the Cross Valley and Calero Pipeline Inspection and Rehabilitation Project, which is intended to increase the pipeline’s reliability and useful life. Crews will enter the pipeline and inspect pipe sections and appurtenances, such as valves and flow meters, and repair or replace defective pieces. Crews will upgrade electrical and control systems and replace ladders, vault hatches and corrosion control test stations.

In December 2020, Valley Water completed installing a fiber optic pipeline monitoring system within the Cross Valley and Calero Pipeline in Morgan Hill to monitor its condition in real time.
For more information:
Calvin Nguyen (408) 630-2602
November 2019 mailer to residents
Updated January 2021
The Cross Valley and Calero Pipelines are included in the Valley Water’s Pipeline Maintenance Program (PMP) and are an identified capital effort under the 10-Year Pipeline Inspection and Rehabilitation Program. The PMP defines the activities associated with maintenance and repair of water supply conveyance systems throughout Valley Water’s jurisdiction. The PMP serves as a comprehensive plan that defines how routine and preventative maintenance activities can be carried out. The primary objectives of the PMP are to maintain Valley Water’s water conveyance systems to their specifications and design; coordinate the various aspects of routine maintenance to achieve this goal; reduce environmental impacts associated with maintenance, and assist in obtaining multi-year permits for these activities.
The purpose of the 10-Year Pipeline Inspection and Rehabilitation Program is to maintain the integrity of the approximately 140 miles of large diameter raw and treated water transmission pipelines, extend their useful life, and address infrastructure reliability concerns. The Project is the third project to be undertaken for this Program.
Additionally, an Acoustic Fiber Optic monitoring system will be installed within the pipeline to allow Valley Water to monitor the pipeline’s condition in real-time. Crews will upgrade electrical and control systems and repair ladders, vault hatches and corrosion control test stations.
The Cross Valley and Calero Pipelines consist of 10.6 miles of 78-inch and 72-inch prestressed concrete cylinder pipe which was constructed in five different phases from 1980 through 1990. The pipeline begins as the Cross Valley Pipeline at the Coyote Pumping Plant in the City of Morgan Hill, runs northwest through the City of Morgan Hill and unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County, continues northwest through the Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve and near Cinnabar Hills Golf Club where Cross Valley Pipeline ends and Calero Pipeline begins, continues along McKean Road, and ends north of the base of the Calero Reservoir in south San Jose at the Calero Modulating Valve Vault.
In February and March of 2018, staff conducted a condition assessment of both Cross Valley and Calero Pipelines to evaluate and assess the overall condition of the pipelines and their accessories. Several appurtenances have to be repaired or replaced.
A pipeline shutdown is planned from mid-November 2019 through February 2020. The shutdown entails draining about 14.7 million gallons of raw water from the pipeline. There will be no impact to water service due to the shutdown. Impacts to neighborhoods will be minimized as most of the work will take place inside the pipeline and within existing utility vaults. There may be some temporary lane reductions and neighbors may see trucks and equipment near the work sites. Work hours will be weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but are subject to change.