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HEC-2 Runs Available for CALERA CREEK in the coyote Watershed:
File Id Reach Location Type Description
4018001 0+80- 8+73 U/S CONF.-U/S SPRR Flood Insurance Study FROM FIS, MODIFIED: EDIT2 - ET PROBLEMS REMAIN
4018002 36+70- 74+25 MLPTS HS-U/S 680 Flood Insurance Study FROM FIS, MODIFIED: EDIT2 - ET PROBLEMS REMAIN
4018003 74+25- 36+70 680-D/S ESCUELA Flood Insurance Study FROM FIS, SUPERCRITICAL - ET PROBLEMS REMIAN
4018008 0+00 21+00 Confluence w/ Berryessa 100ft D/S of Arizona Dr dbl RCB Flood Insurance Study Michael Cadei - 100 year - Approximate end location run Approximate end location
4018009 0+00 21+00 Confluence w/ Berryessa 100ft D/S of Arizona Dr dbl RCB Flood Insurance Study Michael Cadei - George S. Nolte & Assoc 100 year Approximate end location
4018010 0+00 31+60 Confluence w/ Berryessa 840ft D/S of Esquela Prkwy dbl Box Flood Insurance Study Michael Cadei - George S. Nolte & Assoc 100 year Approximate end location
4018011 0+00 36+30 Confluence w/ Berryessa 370ft D/S of Esquela Prkwy dbl Box Flood Insurance Study Michael Cadei - George S. Nolte & Assoc 100 year Approximate end location
4018012 0+00 74+25 Confluence w/ Berryessa 500ft U/S of Hwy 680 RCB Flood Insurance Study Michael Cadei - George S. Nolte & Assoc 100 year Approx. end location - old station 74+25
4018013 0+00 74+25 Confluence w/ Berryessa 500ft U/S of 680 hwy Flood Insurance Study Michael Cadei - George S. Nolte & Assoc 100 year Approx. end location - Old station 74+25