Project Description: Santa Clara Valley Water District is proposing a project to continue to implement two long-term management plans (LTMPs) for the Rancho Cañada de Pala Preserve.
The purpose of the LTMPs is to ensure the preserve is monitored, maintained, and managed in a manner that preserves its conservation values. The LTMPs consist of biological resource management and monitoring, livestock grazing management, non-native plant species management, infrastructure and facilities maintenance, routine road maintenance activities, and site improvements for the preserve.
The LTMPs include construction of site improvements (e.g., bank repairs and retaining wall rehabilitations) as needed to further improve existing conditions and facilitate
long-term management of the preserve.
Activities associated with the future site improvements could involve minor grading, excavation and fill, vegetation trimming, construction site isolation and staging, removal and replacement of degraded infrastructure.
Typical equipment that may be used for future site improvements may include dump trucks, excavators, portable water tanks, power tools and hand crews and other construction equipment as needed.
- Notice of Intent (NOI)
- Notice of Determination
- Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Appendix A - Areas 1 and 2
- Appendix B - Area 3
- Appendix C - Biological Site Assessment
- Appendix D - Tribal Cultural Resources
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Attention: Tiffany Chao
5700 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, CA 95118
For further information please contact Tiffany Chao at (408) 630-3107, or by email at [email protected].