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First Grade

Program duration: 70 minutes (2 activities: 35 minutes each)

Kamishibai Story-telling
kamishibai is a traditional Japanese story-telling technique. The Little Blue Hen is a conservation story where the hen teaches us to conserve water every day. The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Weather Wolf is our flood season story where students learn how and where to build homes to make them flood-safe.

"The Little Blue hen" Kamishibai  Presentation
The Little Blue Hen is inspired by “The Little Red Hen” story and tells the inspiring tale of the Little Blue Hen and the ways that she learns to conserve water every day. This story is presented using story cards in the style of a Kamishibai presentation; a traditional Japanese “Paper Theater” and story-telling technique.

Land Forms
Through this activity students will simulate a rain storm and learn what a mountain range is, what a watershed is, and watch how rivers and lakes take shape.

Water Match
Students learn about water as a solid, liquid and a gas and play a matching game as they categorize different images of water according to its state.