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Kamishibai program

SCVWD Education Outreach 2018-19 Library Programming Descriptions
Title of Program: Kamishibai story time with the Santa Clara Valley Water District

Description: Kamishibai is a traditional Japanese story-telling technique.  The Little Blue Hen is a conservation story where the hen teaches us to conserve water every day.  The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Weather Wolf is our flood season story where students learn how and where to build homes to make them flood-safe. [Note: one or the other will be presented depending on the season we are in.]  If we present on conservation, we will then discuss ways to save water at home as well as rebates and programs we offer at the SCVWD.   If we present on flood season, we will discuss family disaster preparedness kits and how to plan for floods and other disasters.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge of the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s water conservation messaging as well as family disaster preparedness planning and flood awareness.

Cost/Supplies: No cost, but we normally bring coloring sheets for the children, so having crayons and/or markers available would be nice.

Availability: Open availability depending on dates requested, we can accommodate both morning and mid-day.   

Prep Time/Duties: If there is a white board (magnetic is preferred) that is very helpful. The room can be set up theater style with open area in front for smaller children to sit in front.  It would also be great to have the room set up with one-two tables for handouts and props/materials.

Attendance limits: If more than 50 participants, please notify us in advance so we can prepare additional materials.  If less than 10, please also notify us so we can prepare less materials.  

Public Blurb: Join the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s education outreach team and learn about water conservation and/or flood awareness through a fun story-telling device called a Kamishibai. The Kamishibai is a Japanese story-telling device which resembles a small theater box, and translates to mean “paper theater.”  It originated in the Japanese Buddhist temples around the 12th Century.  Our program will feature either The Little Blue Hen, A Conservation Story, and/or The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Weather Wolf.  Following the story-time, staff will have handouts available on water conservation, rebates, upcoming workshops as well as family emergency planning and flood preparedness.