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Mini-Grants Program

Start your project with a mini grant

Applications are open!

What can we do for you?

Not every project requires tens of thousands of dollars in assistance. Smaller projects with smaller budgets can still have a massive impact. To that end, Valley Water established a Mini-Grant Program that provides seed funding for projects that promote long-term community engagement in activities that lead to safe, clean drinking water; water conservation; flood protection and caring for the environment in Santa Clara County.

Past projects include school or community gardens and outdoor classrooms, field trips that promote watershed education and awareness, water conservation workshops, and small-scale habitat restoration.

For a full list of all previously awarded grants, including mini-grant projects, click here.

Funding for the Mini-Grants Program is available through the Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program, which Santa Clara County voters approved in November 2020.

Funding Availability

Applicants can request up to a maximum of $5,000 per project until June 31, 2024. On May 28, the Board approved increasing the maximum to $10,000 and eliminating the 25% match requirement starting July 1, 2024.

Total funding available for mini-grants each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30): $100,000.

Applications are open on a rolling basis or until all available funds are disbursed during the fiscal year.

Why partner with Valley Water?

Valley Water's Mini-Grants are intended to give smaller projects a chance because even small projects can make a splash and have a big impact. However, if you have a large project that could benefit from a mini-grant, you are welcome to apply. We are committed to working with our community to make a difference together. As partners, we can combine our resources to increase efficiency, make funds go further and increase the project's impact.

We care about equity. Our grants are open to a wide breadth of community members and organizations, allowing resources to be equitably accessed by all communities throughout the county.

Who is eligible?

We are accepting applications from the following organization types and groups that work/provide services within Santa Clara County:

  • Public agencies, such as cities, towns, and county agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations with a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Nonprofits without a 501(c)(3) but can demonstrate that they are an affiliate of a nonprofit organization that possesses a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Schools, community colleges, and public and private colleges/universities
  • Open space districts
  • Mutual water agencies/districts
  • Resource conservation districts
  • For-profit organizations
  • Organized community group with an established structure (must identify an individual responsible for signing the agreement, insurance, etc.)

What projects are eligible?

The proposed project must be located in Santa Clara County and provide one or more of the following benefits:

  • Enhance creek and bay ecosystems
  • Improve fish passage and habitat
  • Identify potential water reduction technologies and methods
  • Researching new and innovative water technologies
  • Prevent trash and contaminants from entering our waterways and groundwater
  • Expand trail and open space access
  • Increase community awareness and understanding of any of the above benefits
  • Conduct educational or outreach opportunities related to any of the above benefits

What are the next steps?

Ready to apply? Head on over to Fluxx to complete your registration and start your application today!

Get Ready to apply, click here
Mini Grant Program Timeline Infographic

Click here to download the program expectations and timeline.

Learn More

Are you interested in staying in touch? Sign up for our mailing list to receive emails on future funding opportunities.

You can also schedule a meeting with staff using the  following link:

Valley Water also offers larger grants under our Standard Grants program!


Valley Water offers several resources to help you learn more about our Mini-Grants Program. For more information, please visit our resource page.

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