Project Description: The project would include acquisition of easements and or installing/constructing one new path at the Santa Clara Conduit (SCC) Vault Site 8; and or installation/construction of gravel collars, driveways, gates, signs; and/or implementation of new travel routes near some of the 37 vaults on the existing PC and SCC conduits, as specified in the draft IS/MND.
Valley Water would obtain easements from private landowners near ten (10) vault locations and construct one new gravel path to provide all-weather access from the existing driveway at State Route 152 to SCC Vault Site 8. Valley Water also proposes implementation of 23 new off-road travel routes for more efficient travel and access to the vaults.
New gravel collars would be installed around the top (ground level) of 20 existing vaults to allow for safe access by maintenance personnel. The gravel collars would generally measure 32 feet by 32 feet or smaller.
Valley Water would construct five new driveways to provide access from public roads to the vault locations. Valley Water would construct one new sign. Sixteen new gates would also be constructed at 12 separate site locations near public roads to provide controlled access to vaults.
These improvements (obtaining easements and new construction) will allow new operational methods of pipeline and vault access and maintenance in areas where existing access is currently limited. The use of Valley Water all-terrain vehicles would reduce or minimize the impacts from larger vehicles during periods of wet or limiting conditions.
Project Review: The Draft IS/MND will be posted electronically for review on the Valley Water’s website at The NOI will also be posted at the County of Santa Clara Clerk Recorder Office, the County of San Benito County Clerk Recorder Office, and the State Clearinghouse. Due to the current shelter in place order, hard copies of the Draft IS/MND will not be available for public review.
The public comment period on the Draft IS/MND will run for 30 days upon Valley Water electronic posting of the document beginning Friday, Jan. 8, 2021. During this public review period, Valley Water will accept written hard copy and electronic comments on the project.
Comments on the Draft MND should be submitted via US mail or electronically. The public comment period closes at 5 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 8, 2021.
Download the Engineer's Report
Contact: Valley Water
Attention: Michael F. Coleman, AICP
5750 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, CA 95118
For further information please contact Michael F. Coleman at (408) 630-3096, or by email at [email protected]