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Water Waste Enforcement

Valley Water enforces reports of water waste throughout Santa Clara County by contacting the responsible party, typically the property owner, to ensure they are aware of the issues that may be contributing to water waste. The goal of enforcement is to reduce water waste through raising awareness and connecting properties with our water conservation programs which can help achieve voluntary compliance.

Valley Water collaborates with our water retailers on how to best resolve reports of water waste. Depending upon the location of the reported water waste, either Valley Water or the water retailer will take action to achieve compliance. 

During periods when Valley Water's Board has not called for mandatory water use reduction, Valley Water will use an educational-based enforcement approach to discourage water waste. There is currently no call for mandatory water use reduction; therefore, Valley Water will not be issuing fines for water waste violations. Water retailers and/or local municipalities may issue fines or take other enforcement actions, such as installing a flow restrictor, for water waste violations in their respective service areas. 

During periods when Valley Water's Board has called for mandatory water use reduction, such as during a drought or other water shortage condition, Valley Water will bolster the educational-based approach by issuing fines to property owners who fail to address water water violations after receiving multiple notices from Valley Water.

Helpful resources:

For water waste emergencies, Valley Water encourages you to directly contact the local water provider that serves that address.