The Valley Water Board of Directors approved three new projects to define the long-term needs and ensure the reliability of Valley Water's water utility infrastructure.
Water Treatment Plant Master Plan Implementation Project
This project will develop a comprehensive 30-year implementation plan to identify projects to repair, replace, and/or upgrade the infrastructure at our four water treatment plants; address the increasingly stringent water quality regulations; and integrate with the recently completed Water Supply Master Plan (WSMP).
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Master Plan Implementation Project
This project will prepare an update to the process control systems/SCADA master plan (2011), produce design and implementation standards for new projects, and recommend a coordinated suite of improvement projects (15-year implementation plan).
Distribution System Master Plan Implementation Project
This project will develop a comprehensive 30-year implementation plan to identify improvements to Valley Water’s raw and treated water systems based on current demands, future growth, and emergencies. The project will optimize our raw and treated water distribution systems, evaluate retailer needs, and recommend direct capital actions needed to protect existing distribution systems.

June 13, 2024 Water Treatment Plant Master Plan Public Meeting
During this public meeting at the Vietnamese American Service Center, Valley Water presented a comprehensive and long-term plan to update and upgrade its water treatment plants. Several potential projects have been identified for each plant in the plan. The presentation addresses the need for and importance of having a Master Plan and an open forum for questions.
To view the meeting on Valley Water's YouTube channel, click here.
To view the presentation, click here.
(Rev. 12/18/23)
The status of each of the implementation projects is provided below.
- Water Treatment Plant Master Plan Implementation Project: The project team has finalized the Problem Definition Report and the Conceptual Alternatives Report. The Conceptual Alternatives Report is a document that outlines the various options available for a particular project or problem. It provides an overview of the different alternatives that can be considered, along with their pros and cons. The report will screen out alternatives that are unfeasible or impractical based on research conducted. Currently, the project team continues to develop feasible project alternatives with stakeholder input and new site visits to help validate preliminary project designs and engineering assumptions.
- SCADA Master Plan Implementation Project: The project team has engaged with various stakeholders and user groups and is documenting the future needs of SCADA, including those that require improvements to system reliability or enhancements of system functionality. Industry standards review work and benchmarking against similar water utility agencies have also been done. Improvements to SCADA communications infrastructure and backup control center capabilities identified for early implementation are being proposed for addition to the FY25-29 CIP.
- Distribution System Master Plan Implementation Project: The project team has finalized the Goals and Objectives Technical Memo. Staff are now performing a desktop condition assessment and a performance evaluation of the pipeline assets to identify needs that may lead to recommended capital projects.
- CIP Committee Meeting Agenda and Presentation - 8/10/20 PDF
- Water Supply Master Plan 2040
- Five-year Capital Improvement Program
- FY21-25 Operations and Maintenance Plan PDF
- FY21-25 Maintenance Work Plan PDF
- 2016 Infrastructure Reliability Plan and Appendices (Public Version) PDF
- Infrastructure Reliability Project - CA/NV AWWA 2016 Fall Conference PDF
- Final Countywide Water Reuse Master Plan
- 2011 Process Control Systems (SCADA) Master Plan PDF
The Implementation Projects work toward two goals of the Ensure Sustainability strategy from the Water Supply Master Plan:
- Secure existing system – Valley Water should secure existing supplies and facilities for future generations because they are, and will continue to be, the foundation of the county’s water supply system. The Implementation Projects will evaluate and recommend repairs or upgrades to Valley Water’s existing water treatment, distribution, and SCADA infrastructure.
- Optimize the system - increase Valley Water’s ability to use existing supplies and infrastructure. Valley Water’s existing supplies are more than sufficient to meet current and future needs in wet and above normal years. In some years, supplies exceed needs, and additional facilities would increase flexibility and the ability to use or store those excess supplies. Additional infrastructure could increase Valley Water’s ability to respond to outages and challenges such as droughts and water quality problems with existing supplies.
The Valley Water Board of Directors approved the Water Supply Master Plan 2040 (WSMP) on November 20, 2019. The WSMP’s sustainability strategy emphasized the need to secure existing supplies and infrastructure to meet long term water supply reliability goals. The WSMP will be monitored and adjusted through the Master Plan's Monitoring and Assessment Program (MAP). To ensure all the conveyance, treatment, and distribution systems are ready to deliver on future investments, three new projects have been identified and are aligned with the WSMP’s sustainability strategy.
- Water Treatment Plant Master Plan Implementation Project,
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Master Plan Implementation Project, and
- Distribution System Master Plan Implementation Project.