Water Supply Master Plan
A reliable supply of clean water is necessary for the social, economic, and environmental well-being of Santa Clara County. The Water Supply Master Plan (WSMP) is Valley Water’s guiding document for long-term water supply investments to ensure water supply reliability for the County. Updated about every five years, this long-range plan assesses future county-wide demands and evaluates and recommends water supply and infrastructure projects to meet those demands to achieve Valley Water’s level of service (LOS) goal through the planning horizon. Valley Water’s LOS goal is to “Meet 100 percent of annual water demand during non-drought years and at least 80 percent demand in drought years.”
The most recent plan, Water Supply Master Plan 2040, was adopted by the Valley Water Board of Directors (Board) in 2019. Valley Water has started a two-year process to develop the Water Supply Master Plan 2050, which extends the planning horizon to 2050.
On December 10, 2024 at 1 PM, Valley Water staff will present an update on the Water Supply Master Plan 2050 to the Board of Directors and the public. Topics will include potable reuse goal, level of service discussion, cost of shortage, and adaptive management framework. The meeting link, agenda, board packet, and staff reports can be found here.
The archived meeting packets and recordings for past WSMP 2050 Board updates can be found here:
Existing Water Supply Master Plan
Annual Monitoring and Assessment Program Update
- 2022 - Drought Response Action
- 2022 - Benchmark Study and Project Evaluation Framework
- 2021 - Project Evaluation and Update
- 2020 - Demand Study
For any questions or inquiries about the WSMP 2050, please contact [email protected]