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Report creek blockages and local street flooding


Creek blockages

Keep creeks clean and flowing. Trash and debris in creeks can block the flow of water and cause flooding. Help us keep creeks flowing by reporting downed trees, blockages or illegal dumping.

  • Report issues in creeks to Valley Water’s Watershed Hotline: 408-630-2378
  • You can also report creek issues on Access Valley Water, our online customer service portal

Keep an eye out for illegal dumping and report a violation at Valley Water’s Pollution Hotline: 888-510-5151. Learn more about being a good creek neighbor here.

Local street flooding

Yard waste, leaves, and soil can also obstruct storm drains and prevent stormwater from being properly drained, causing local street flooding. Cities maintain storm drain systems including gutters, drains, and pipes in the street. To report local street flooding, i.e., spill, dumping, or blockage in storm drains, contact your city Public Works Department according to the list below.

For information on flood risks, interpreting FEMA flood maps, flood insurance, or elevation/construction certificates, contact your local floodplain manager.