Landscape Rebate Program
This program is designed to encourage residents and businesses to convert approved high-water use landscape, such as lawns and pools, to low-water use landscape, as well as to retrofit existing irrigation equipment with approved high-efficiency irrigation equipment.
You may qualify for rebates valued up to:
- $3,000* for residential sites
- $100,000* for commercial/multi-family sites (5 or more units)
*Maximum rebates may be even higher in some cost sharing areas
Current program funding lasts until June 30, 2025 or until depleted. Applications will be accepted and evaluated on an ongoing basis in the order received as long as funds remain available.
Types of rebates available
Valley Water's Landscape Rebate Program offers four rebate categories that categories that can help save water.
You can apply for incentives you are interested in now, and reapply in the future for new incentives and projects until you reach the rebate cap. Apply using the Online Application Portal and track projects. Review the overview to learn about rebate steps and rates.
Landscape Conversion Rebate
Residents and businesses are encouraged to convert approved high-water use lawns and pools to low-water use landscapes. The current base rate for this incentive is $2/square foot.
View full program requirements and frequently asked questions before applying for the Landscape Conversion Rebate.
See Landscape Guides and Resources to learn more about creating a sustainable landscape.
Lawn to Mulch Rebate
Commercial, institutional, industrial, and multi-family residential (5+ units) properties are encouraged to convert approved high-water use lawns to low-water-use landscapes. The current base rate for this incentive is $1/square foot. This is a lower rate than the Lawn Conversion Rebate.
View full program requirements before applying for the Lawn to Mulch Rebate.
See Landscape Guides and Resources to learn more about creating a sustainable landscape.
In-Line Drip Irrigation Conversion Rebate
Want to keep your landscaping? Valley Water will pay you to convert overhead sprinklers to in-line drip tubing in existing shrubs, perennial, or annual planting beds.
View details and steps to qualify for the In-Line Drip Irrigation Conversion Rebate on our online application.
Find more information about sprinklers and irrigation equipment.
Irrigation Equipment Upgrade Rebate
Need an upgrade? We’ll help you replace qualifying inefficient irrigation hardware with approved efficient equipment (includes weather-based irrigation controllers, rain sensors, and more).
View details and steps to qualify for the Irrigation Equipment Upgrade Rebate on the online application.
Find more information about sprinklers and irrigation equipment.
Rainwater Capture Rebate
Do you want help saving rainwater for later? If you have an existing gutter or downspout system not currently capturing rainwater, Valley Water will help you install rain barrels, cisterns, and rain gardens.
View details and steps to qualify for the rain barrel, cistern, and rain garden on the online application.
Find more information about rainwater harvesting.
Online Application Portal
Use the Online Application Portal to apply for, track and review your program rebates. The portal includes:
- Detailed information about each rebate available
- Program requirements and steps for how to apply
- Lists of qualifying equipment, plants, and materials
The portal is not site-specific, and can be used to manage District rebates for any site of which you are the owner or authorized representative.
Rebate eligibility and process overview
Learn if your landscape is eligible for the rebate program, and review the process to apply and receive your rebate.
Landscape rebate qualifications & rebate caps
Sites wishing to participate in the rebate program must complete a pre-inspection and submit an online application for approval before beginning any work.
Sites that have been denied participation in the Landscape Rebate Program for not meeting the initial program eligibility requirements will not be allowed to re-apply for the rebate within three (3) years of the initial pre-inspection or denial date, whichever is the latter.
Rebate caps
All applications issued a Notice to Proceed will be held to a total rebate cap (or both the Landscape Conversion Rebate and the Irrigation Equipment Upgrade Rebate combined).
Single-family & multi-family (4 or fewer units) properties
- Default cap = $3,000
- Cost-sharing cap = $6,000
Commercial & multi-family (5 or more units)
- Default cap = $100,000
- Cost-sharing cap = $100,000
*Commercial properties can include industrial and institutional properties such as schools, hospitals, government, parks, etc.
Overview of the rebate process
Complete the following steps before taking action on your project ideas.
Note: Projects that have been started, or projects that have already been completed prior to application approval, are not eligible.
Create a user account. Go to the Online Application and create a user account. Customers who do not have the ability to submit an online application should call (408) 630-2554 for assistance.
Apply. Provide information about existing site conditions using the Online Application. Include photos, the estimated size of the project area (square footage), and/or existing equipment information. Customers will be contacted directly by Valley Water to schedule an onsite pre-inspection as needed after submitting existing site conditions.
Pre-inspection approval. After pre-inspection approval, customers will submit their proposed project details online, including a full plant list and a description of their project for the Landscape Conversion Rebate and/or the quantity and make/model of their proposed irrigation equipment upgrades as appropriate.
Application approved. Once the application is approved, customers will be issued an official Notice to Proceed and will have 90 days to complete their project. Do not begin removal of your lawn/pool or the purchase of materials for your project until you have received a written Notice to Proceed from Valley Water.
Project completion. Upon project completion, customers will request a final post-inspection and provide any documentation requested, such as photos or receipts. Rebate checks will be issued 4-6 weeks after the post-inspection date if approved.
Other landscape rebates, subsidies
Learn more about additional programs and rebates that can help you conserve water in your landscape.
Lawn Busters Program for Low Income, Seniors, or US Veterans
Instead of a rebate, Lawn Busters provides subsidized on-site assessments and landscape design, planting, and quality-assurance follow up. This program is available to qualifying homeowners who are 60 years or older, low-income, have disabilities, or United States veterans.
Lawn Busters is a partnership between Our City Forest and Valley Water to help property owners convert their lawns into drought-tolerant dreamscapes. For additional information, or to apply, email [email protected].
Graywater Rebate
Interested in a $200 or $400 graywater rebate? Valley Water can help you in your pursuit to ensure a locally-controlled water supply for your landscape with a Graywater Laundry-to-Landscape System.
- Find rebate details and participation requirements.
- Learn more about Graywater conservation.
City of San Jose Tree Rebate Program
Did you know the City of San Jose offers a rebate for their residents who install new trees within their park strips? Help replenish our urban forest by planting a tree!
Learn more about the City of San Jose's Tree Rebate Program.
Outdoor irrigation surveys
To conserve water outside home or property, you must first understand the maintenance needs and upgrade opportunities within your landscaping and irrigation system.
Valley Water offers free irrigation surveys for both residential and commercial properties in Santa Clara County:
- Water Wise Outdoor Surveys are available to single-family and small multi-family sites (under ½-acre)
- Large Commercial Landscape Surveys are available to commercial, industrial, institutional (schools, parks, etc.), and multi-family properties
Call the Water Conservation Hotline at (408) 630-2554 or email [email protected].